Feel The Fireworks!
With Debbie Simon
It’s that time of year again! Time to talk about fireworks
in your sex life! Do you have them? Where do you get more? How can you keep
feeling them for years to come? Here are my Top Ten ways to get those
1) Experiment. Do you have fantasies that
you haven’t shared with your partner? Go for it. Tell them! Sometimes taking
that first step makes all the difference. When you are in a trusting
relationship, telling your partner your deepest desires, fantasies and wants is
sexy as hell!
2) Flirt. Show your partner that you still
find them sexy. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Flirting should never end in a
relationship. It should increase!
3) Watch Something Naughty. Movies are
great way to get the big fireworks show! Men are the visual sex and they can
really get turned on by watching others create their own fireworks. Whether
your taste is a spicy rated R romance film or a XXX down and dirty movie,
watching something naughty is a great way to make those fireworks happen in
your own relationship!
4) Eat. Indulge in the sexy foods of your
choice.. Chocolate-covered strawberries. Raw oysters. How about some edible
panties with chocolate sauce? Yum.
5) Be The Beast. Becoming a beast in the
bedroom can really spice things up. Tell your partner what you want and how to
get it done. Have you ever been tied up? Have you ever tied someone else up? Always
respectfully and with limits clearly defined,
being the beast is a real turn-on.
being the beast is a real turn-on.
6) Take Your Time. Carve out some time,
some real time, to make sure you and
your partner are connecting. Make the effort to concentrate on one part of his
or her body for five minutes without moving on. There are lots of sexy things
you can do with toes!
7) Plan. Spontaneity is fabulous and
sometimes so is making a plan. There are some great games couples can do
together to create that sparkler heat every time. (Did you know sparklers can
reach 2,000 degrees? Be careful with those things!) Buy some flowers. Show your loved one that you’re thinking about them not just in the
moment, but are working hard to create magic in advance!
8) Dress Up. Whether it’s sexy lingerie or
stilettos and nothing else, dressing up can really turn up the heat! And men…don’t
ignore your inner police officer or firefighter. Women love a sexy uniform and
you’ll need hours to put out that flame.
9) Talk. Communication is one of the most over-looked
firework starters. Talking about how you feel about your
partner…how much you care and appreciate them…will make
those roman candles shoot off again and again.
10) Take Pictures. Taking sexy pictures of each other makes
those fireworks pop up every time. Even a personal movie can
be a fun way to relive those fireworks moments. Always with
the commitment of keeping them between the two of you,
of course.
Open your mind. Explore something you may
have not tried before, and above all, HAVE