Friday, January 27, 2017

Resolve to take care of your lady bits this New Year

With Debbie Simon

A New Year means new resolutions – for a lot of people that means focusing on their health and working to work out more, eat better and lose weight. We’re here to remind you that your vaginal health should be just as important as keeping track of your cholesterol. Neglecting your hoo-hah can lead to more than just embarrassing odors, it could result in infections and could also mask more serious problems. You want everything in working order not only for your overall well-being, but also because it can lead to a more satisfying sex life. So here are a few tips to help you with your resolution to take good care of your lady bits in 2017:

See your doctor – Putting your heels in those stirrups is never fun, but regular cervical exams (every three years for women ages 25-49) greatly increases your chances of catching any problems early, and that can sometimes literally be the difference between life and death.
Wear cotton undies – Cotton breathes and absorbs moisture, making it the ideal cover up for your lady bits.

Don’t spend all day in your sweaty workout clothes – Getting a shower immediately after a workout isn’t always doable, but putting it off too long can leave you worse than just stinky. Sitting in sweat could cause a bacterial infection, so if a shower isn’t in your immediate future, at least bring a change of clothes.

Speaking of exercise, do your Kegels – We’ve talked before about the importance of working out your pelvic floor muscles. Kegels can help with bladder control and prevent serious conditions like uterine prolapse. And as an added bonus, strong pelvic muscles mean stronger orgasms!

Eat more yogurt – especially Greek yogurt, which has live cultures that boost good bacteria below the belt

Go commando – giving your lady bits a chance to breathe on occasion can be good for you. Plus, whispering those magic words in your partner’s ear: “I’m not wearing any underwear” is pretty much guaranteed to lead to fun sooner rather than later.

Use condoms – you should be doing this anyway, for all the obvious reasons, but a study by researchers at the Beijing Friendship Hospital found that condoms provide a barrier that keeps semen from affecting your natural pH level.

DON’T use douche – Your vagina actually does a fine job of cleaning itself, no assistance necessary. Using a douche can alter your healthy pH levels, not to mention studies have shown using such products can lead to increased risk of infections, pelvic inflammatory disease and STDs. 

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